Sunday, July 31, 2011

Encounters of retail extraordinaire

<p>I just want to take a break talk a little bit about some of my favorite and not-so-favorite observations I've encountered in my retail experiences, living in the JO, and my gym experiences. I apologize in advance if this is you or a family member of yours, but please understand my observations are not malicious - just entertaining.
First of all, a giant bulge wrapped in black, shiny spandex entered my store last Saturday. It's owner was a middle aged man who kept referring to weightlifting as " pumping." I am sure most of us are familiar with the term, "pumping iron." Well, he left off the iron. This made me even more uncomfortable with the situation and I had to struggle to divert my eyes from his lower region as it was extremely apparent.
That same day, my brother and I had taken a trip to the store and on the way back we both spotted a shirtless and very tan man in Daisy Dukes style shorts. He was walking, or more like sashaying down the sidewalk, moving his arms like he was treading water. Is this some sort of new extreme walking exercise I've not heard of yet? What would possess someone to partake in such an activity, and in public nonetheless. My brother and I talked about it all the way home, still confused as to what he was working.

Not all encounters have ensued hilarity. In fact, today one of my regular customers informed me he needed extra protein because he was having surgery in two days. Being the concerned person I am, I inquired about what kind of surgery. He nonchalantly said he was getting his leg amputated. WHAT??? I couldn't believe it but just happened to look down at his right leg and it looked like it was rotting. He said he'd been waiting for this day for thirty years. Still, he is young and he has two young children. I let him know that I had the privilege to see a man speak at the GNC convention, who was the first triple amputee to ever finish the Kona Iron Man Triathlon. He remained in great spirits and was glad I told him about it. I love to laugh and often. I often laugh at myself. I enjoy sharing stories like those above. I have so many things to share of my retail experiences alone, that I could probably write a book about it. Some are funny, some are sad, and some will blow your mind. Stay tuned and once again, thanks for reading.

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